Tuesday 28 May 2019

Fostering Inner Strength

The card of the day is Power and embedded is the message of finding peace and inner strength. 

The power is not related to the physical but to inner strength. Ask yourself today ‘How can I build my inner strength?’, ‘How can I foster resilience, courage, determination and acceptance of what is?’ Not what is gone or what is yet to be. When I draw this card, I know I need to dig deep and find a way to be balanced so I can tackle whatever life throws at me. If you want to foster mental strength you need to find balance; mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Try:


When: your physical energy is low or if you are feeling mentally cluttered (aka I can't get my mind to shut up). 

What to do: Go outside and be in nature; the beach, a park, your backyard, anywhere natural. 

Why: In doing so, you will find mental peace through the stillness and calm found in the natural rhythms of earth. Better yet take off your shoes and soak up the earth's natural healing properties, this counteracts harmful waves from electronics. Breathing in fresh air and being outdoors naturally livens our energy and restores a sense of wellness to us.

Tuning in:

When: Feeling into strong emotions: when your world is rocking, stop 🛑 

What to do: Close your eyes, feel where you are feeling this pain in your body, start to breath into this space. Does it have a colour? Does it have a temperature? Is it hot or cold? What shape is it? Continue to breath, name this emotion... sadness, grief, irritation, disappointment, fear... keep breathing, eventually you will find slowly but surely the feeling dissipates. 

Why: Feeling into emotions helps you to recognise when your emotions and mind are overrunning you. By taking the time to be with them you are self-healing and self-calming through what could otherwise be a very painful moment with no release. Bottled up emotions can lead to explosions and a toxic internalisation which will manifest in our lives one way or another... doesn't sound fun does it! Give yourself the time and attention you deserve!

Self-care (a favourite):

When: Anytime you feel weak physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

What to do: Put the kettle on, make yourself a cup of tea, read a trashy/ non-trashy novel (I prefer the former), run a bath, exercise (even if you can only manage a walk, or yoga), eat something healthy and nourishing, listen to your favourite music, spend time with a pet, meditate. Do anything that brings you joy. If you are a parent reading this thinking how can I find time, make time, get up a little earlier when you can, ask for help, set bed time a little earlier. You are worth it... you deserve it!

Why: If you do not filly up your own bucket with love and care, you certainly will not be able to have inner strength when times get tough. A little time for you now creates calm and inner strength tenfold for when difficult situations arise.  

I hope these suggestions help you to foster a deep inner strength which I know we are all capable of having. 

Thanks for reading, 

The Spiritual Novice 

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