Sunday 7 July 2019

Protecting your Energy

Protecting your energy is vital. If you have ever felt a sudden boost or drain on your energies, chances are you are energetically taking or giving to another. Take note about how you feel when you are around different people and environments. Do they feed you or drain you?

If you are feeling not quite yourself or you know you will be around a situation that is toxic or involves a heavy emotional energy there are things you can do to protect yourself. Try:

White Lighting

Visualising a white light around yourself is one way you can protect your energy. Make this part of your spiritual practise and you will see the difference, you will feel different not taking on others energies. A simple intentional asking of placing the white light around yourself or visualising yourself with a strong white light surrounding you, will help shield against picking up on others emotional energies.

Cutting Cords 

If you ever feel off try 'cutting the cords'. After being around some people you can feel scattered, unsettled  and just not right. This may be because you are picking up on a heavy or unbalanced energy of another or feeding into a situation which is draining you. If you know you have been around a heightened person, or situation cutting the cords can help. Imagine in your mind's eye a cord between you and the person/situation, next visualise cutting the cord from this energy. This may take several times to take effect, so you may have to repeat this process until you detach from the energy completely.

Ask for support

Asking for your energies to be protected from others is a simple way to protect yourself. Repeat a simple statement such as "I ask that my energies be protected from any lower or heavy energies that may come my way as I go through out this day."

Restoring energy

Try building up your energy by:
  • Going outside - too much time inside is a major energy drainer.
  • Moving - too much time being stationary is not good for anybody, move and reenergise.
  • Avoiding excess screen time - try other activities outside of electronics, gardening, reading, writing, doing something creative or artsy, try to find other things to fill your time other than social media or TV!!
  • Eating well - Fruit and veggies and drink lots of water, fatty, sugary and processed foods leave you heavy and drained.
  • Counting your blessings - focusing on negativity and perceived lack in life is enough to exhaust anyone! Focus on what you do have and what is going right.
  • Visualise source energy coming to you - breathe in white light, breathe out stagnant energy.
I hope this advice helps you feel more energetically well, 

Thank you for taking the time to read, 

The Spiritual Novice